Frequently Asked Questions
What happens if the equipment that I received does not work?
Upon receipt of our Biliblanket, our representative will test the equipment to ensure that it is in full working condition prior to you accepting delivery. If your equipment stops working (for any reason), you should contact our office immediately (failure to do so will not exempt you from being charged a rental fee). Our company will make every possible attempt to switch out your equipment (based on availability).
If my doctor discontinues the use of a Biliblanket on a Saturday and My Biliblanket drop off locations are closed; will I still be charged a rental fee for Saturday?
Our On-call Staff will make every effort to accept your drop off in our office the same day or work out an arrangement that is convenient to all.
How do I find more information about the equipment that I am receiving?
Our daily rental fee includes the illuminator, wrap around fiber-optic panel, disposable cover sleeves and a carrying case. These are typically all that would be needed to effectively use the BiliTx unit.
What comes with the biliblanket package?
Our Company provides the Respironics BiliTX phototherapy unit.
What happens when my doctor runs another blood test and my child still has high bilirubin levels while I am using the biliblanket?
The use of a biliblanket is an effective management tool for newborn jaundice and should reduce the bilirubin levels in most cases. Your pediatrician will determine the next steps if your newborn continues to exhibit high bilirubin levels after using phototherapy treatment. There might be another underlying reason for the high bilirubin level. Contact your pediatrician immediately.
How long will my baby be on the light?
Your pediatrician will decide the length of need. The severity of the jaundice is always a determining factor.
Will the use of a biliblanket hurt my baby?
Home phototherapy has been proven to be an effective treatment for jaundice; however, it may not be right for your situation. Your pediatrician would decide if this is the right treatment for you.
Does insurance cover the cost of the biliblanket rental?
We do not accept any Insurance. However, most PPO Plans may cover the use of a biliblanket in the home. Check with your insurance provider to ensure that they will reimburse you for any payments made to us for your biliblanket rental if you decide to file with your insurance.